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General Discussion

dont care
3 Feb 2008

Should have been shot at birth and saved us all a fortune

3 Feb 2008

Get yourself a job you sponging low life. I get fed up working my nuts off to keep you and yours in a life of luxury

The New Coop
18 Mar 2007

From your reply i think maybe your are resident at Langdon, Dawlish is a nice town the pubs you frequent maybe loud and undesirable as you must be. I dont orginate from this area but moved here to appreciate the peace and tranquility and friendly residents, glad i havent met you. You are totally up yourself

17 Mar 2007

Dont agree Saturday and shelves not stocked check outs slow and as for delivery drivers accessing premise in High Street they need driving lessons traffic held up 15minutes while a driver tried to reverse into car park he gave up in the end and had to manouvere and drive in Bring back Somerfields