I dont think you read my post correctly ' take it that you would be happy' I said' I wish the residents every success ' The council have stated that if and when they acquire the new premises they would hold council meetings in different locations each month, how long will they put up with that, is there a hidden agenda here?
It is amazing that when residents are really interested, they want evidence of residency, but when they wanted to install CCTV a thousand people made comments of which 200 were tourists and only 16 mentioned CCTV. It seems to me that the only time the council listen to the dawlish residents is when they -residents - use numbers to make a protest, and I wish them every success. Just for the record ...
Thats a bit strong - your comment - how many meetings have you attended that you needed to prove who you are?
Dawlish Man "I wouldn't be happy if non-Dawlish residents were participating in this" I think you missed my point, you will need evidence that you are a resident, so if you forget to bring that evidence and wish to speak you will not be allowed to.
And make sure you bring authentication that you live in Dawlish otherwise arrogant Town Clerk Winchester wont let you speak, he may even try to stop you entering
He has been doing that sort of thing for years, I think the first name is Mike, but dont hold me to that.
He has been found and is happily back with the owners
Just make sure you dont use the plumber in Exeter road, he charged a friend of mine (elderly) £300 to change the inner workings of the toilet cistern, and even took him to the bank to get cash, I checked with what was then Corgi and he was registered and they have no control over what they charge.
Thanks for that Unfortunately I do not have a contact address or fone number.
The owners of the Pet Store here in Dawlish have lost threir Black Lab answers to the name of Tosh, he went missing last night, any news of him would be appreciated.