If it were poundland it would be better than another charity shop or betting shop, wouldn't it?
Does anyone know who is taking over the shop? There is work being carried out, is it still rumoured to be Poundland?
There never has been anything for teenagers to do and if there is something it costs too much. Teenagers hang around, its what they do, I did. If they are causing problems then that is a different issue but if they are just sitting around, chatting and laughing what is the problem? Most parents are happy their kids are in their rooms playing on games as they know where there are then.
And we had a Police presence every night.
A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for dog fouling and control will be introduced across Teignbridge from 1 April following a decision by Full Council today. Read more... https://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/pr19pspodogcontrols140119?fbclid=IwAR3hvjXpZGpXyobvBIVaXCw7FCWSj95pjdd6mq56NT7jlJfDfO2ngsuWaUw
Hi, my family are hoping for a move from the dizzy smelly heights of London (originally from Plymouth) and we are in our in early 40's and have two young boys. Is there much going on in Dawlish to keep them occupied and also us parents who want to keep busy with Cubs, swim clubs etc? Any advice would be very much appreciate
Sunday times..Vince cable would put corybn in power if he backs a second referendum!!!! The lib Dems would do anything for a bit of power.!!!!!You could not make it up with these clowns,..........!!!!
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-46749743 If you are still awake burnside!!!!!!
@burnside But I bet it keeps you guessig what it is all about. Will you,I wonder, lose sleep over it?
This random paragraph is meaningless.