In the survey it would have been much simpler to have yes for and no against.
@leatash , none of my money will go to them until they show the town what they receive and what they spend it on
I watched this on the news the other night, its frightening, thank God we have the railway :(
I agree with what you are saying, but how do we stop them blotting the lawn which does not look good to visitors or residents. not very welcoming
Thank you
Is it worth all the trouble to improve the Lawn when this is still happening(taken from EOD) (It makes me very ashamed of our town when you see an adult female high on drink or whatever with her jeans around her knees, crouched propped up by the green gpo box opposite Lloyds bank at 6.30 in the evening. She had no underwear on, a large group of holiday makers were wondering who to call? Her ...
Its getting harder to have a reasonable debate on here, I too am now thinking of leaving
@Judith Chalmers
Peter Large is in favour of the wall being raised, its his wife Ann who protests. I think you will find the people concerned live further down away from the damage