Praps Remainers should all join the Conservative Party pronto!
You should be PM, burnside. You have the same ability to never answer a direct question.
Private companies will hold data on people, whether they (or the EU) like it or not. The Internet search results are only censored in EU member states, use a VPN service and you get the full uncensored results. Though, true to form, the EU would like the right to be forgotten extended worldwide, it thinks its jurisdiction should apply globally. Brussels is off its rocker.
May quits so we'll get a new PM who we won't have a say in who it is. Is that democracy?
So let's get this straight, you are against the EU but happy for private companies to hold data about you forever?
Burnside, please do vote UKIP. The party seems to be made for you
You just beat me to it Scapegoat!! I was just coming on here to ask the following with regard to these new motoring regulations. To those of you who object to them is it because; a) they have come from the EU? or b) that you don't see why driving should be made safer? or c) both of the above ?
Oh no, boo hoo... I won't be allowed to speed and put innocent lives at risk!! Damn you EU!!
And for that reason the UK already has its own copyright laws, as do other EU member states. The EU just cannot help itself interfering, it's like the "right to be forgotten" directive which means we in Europe now see censored versions of Internet search results, all because a Spanish bankrupt didn't want people knowing his history.
Why do you think it is ok for someone to share copyright material? It is illegal now. All the EU directive says is that services like YouTube have to be active in ensuring the copyright is upheld and permission granted for its use. If I upload a video with Ed Sheeran's music as background music then YouTube will be liable if they remove the video or seek permission. This is making services ...