less you are old enough may forget Miners, dockers, civil servants, people who now pay a fortune for gas electric water and transport thanks to privatisatiion, people affected by the deregulation of banking rules, people who now pay hidden taxes on insurance etc, all people who lost th eir jobs in the 80's when it was made easier to hive jobs abroad but keep profits with the few, children who ...
yes I agree MC but I cant stand hypocrisy which is what Im hearing on BBC
read my post I SAID MY LATE FATHER
my late father was a member of the Conservative Party all his life and he hated her!!!
so you admire her for selling this country to foreigners, and destroyed our council housing stock which is why we have a crisis now with social housing, snatched our manufacturing industries and took the milk from children, what a legacy she leaves behind, and this is from somebody who at present has no political leanings whatsover. The Faulklands war is the only thing I will give her credit ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQYfPhtWpy8&feature=player_detailpage George Osborn lies
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/04/08/iain-duncan-smith-defends_n_3034952.html?ref=topbar BEWARE THIS MAN IS DANGEROUS!!!!! he is suffering with insenstivity and delusion, should be detained in a mental unit indefinately
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE88U5CocpM Paul O Grady gives his opinion on welfare cuts