Even more of it has fallen down since that article was written, judging by the picture they used.
I'm not au fait with the inner workings of the council, never having been employed by anything remotely like that in the past but what I do know is that if the case goes to appeal, a final planning decision is made by a Senior Planning Officer, usually from the office in Bristol. He/she considers all aspects of the case, usually visits the site & takes into account all correspondence relating to ...
Does this mean that TDC planners had made their decision to recommend approval before visiting the site & not knowing how it impacted on the other surrounding houses?
Enjoyed a visit this morning. Well done everyone involved in organising this in difficult times.
Where are you? (Just give a general idea of location)
Would have been nice to know about all this before all these large vehicles started trundling up & down Badlake Hill all day causing pollution & damage to the road surfaces.
@Lynne : They don't seem to care, or even want to think about that sort of thing, judging by my experiences on Badlake Hill.
Lynne: isn't that because a planning application hasn't been submitted yet for Bridge House?
@DEEDOODLE : The Dawlish Warren variant, presumably
Nice pics, but what's the coronavirus doing in nos. 6 & 8?