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General Discussion

9 Aug 2008

looks like he's out with his collecting bucket

9 Aug 2008

Joey Deacon From ARRSEpedia 80's hero, love god and legend. Made 5:10 - 5:35 on a Monday and Thursday teatime far more enjoyable.... you could also stomach watching John "Dullard" Cravens Newsround knowing there was the King of the cripples to mock shortly after. Recall trying to keep a straight face in front of your mum and dad as he slapped the back of his hand and slavvered for the cameras. ...

9 Aug 2008

Blue Peter In 1981, the year of his death, Joey Deacon was featured on the children's magazine show, Blue Peter, for the International Year of the Disabled. He was presented as an example of a man who achieved a lot in spite of his disabilities. However, despite the positive light in which the programme was trying to present his story, the impact was not as intended. The sights and sounds of ...

9 Aug 2008

Millions of Chinese uprooted from their homes to facilitate the games. Sanctions on Press and Infotmation. Protesters arrested for highlighting China's appalling human rights record. American Tourist killed by Chinese man. Still, never mind, all worth it for the opening pr....I mean ceremony... and sportsmen/women blinkered by their personal goals.

World War Three?
9 Aug 2008

Forget the Olympics. Russia bombing Georgia as 30,000 refugees flee South Ossettia. America backing Georgia. The U.S. v Russia games could be on again.

Yep---Dawlish Carnival is here again!

who would seriously want to bathe in the sea?

how much more pollution will we get with this heavy rain?

councils and carnival committees will go to great lengths to make money......even if it means hiding the truth.

and your wellies by the look of the forecast