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General Discussion

I think Ive seen the living wage needs to be £11 per hour that would mean somebody working 40 hrs per week would give somebody a realistic £1906 per month to keep a family on. That is just about below the benefits cap of £23000 a year,so no need for in work benefits then.

23 Jun 2015

@ Huw with the best will in the world that will not equate unless the tax bracket is drastically increased. Most people in this part of the world are on minimum wage and pay little or no tax now

22 Jun 2015

Maybe burnside, Paul and wondering will check all this info out and realise what these cuts mean to what is a very low amount of income, but I wont hold my breath !!!!

Anti-Austerity March
22 Jun 2015 so I conclude that you are all in agreement with these proposals

21 Jun 2015

Teignbridge are asking you to cut the verges outside your homes yourself

21 Jun 2015

are they wondering the majority of the population didn't decide,but this is not about party politics, some of the comments on here make me wonder. Donone of you care about the NHS, our schools,etc all you seem to think these cuts are about is benefits!!!! suprised none of you have moaned about the grass verges not being cut yet

21 Jun 2015

I give up, none of you understand its not about unemployment !!!

21 Jun 2015

21 Jun 2015

Then they came for me . 5 June 2015 at 22:22 ◾First they came for the Homeless Poor & Hungry, and I did not speak out - because I was not Homeless Poor or Hungry; ◾Then they came for the Sick & Disabled , and I did not speak out - because I was not Sick or disabled ; ◾Then they came for the OLD & Frail , and I did not speak out - because I was not OLD or Frail; ◾Then they came for the Muslims, ...

21 Jun 2015

I was referring to her downfall Poll Tax Riots maybe her son will suffer the same fate

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