@Woodcock . Thank you. I'm sure those that weren't aware of this are also grateful. @FredBassett . How can one put in an FOI request about something that hasn't concluded yet?
@Netiquette , I'm not sure what they hope to achieve if they succeed with their plan. I recall reading that part of it is to do with giving the People's Republic of Cockwood their own say over certain planning matters. Wrigley would be able to answer your question in detail - drop him an email is the best i could suggest.
Oh so you can't answer my question having demanded that I answer yours (which I did)? That explains why you resorted to insults. Good night Margaret.
Good grief. Do you not know that certain Dawlish Town Councillors want to detach Cockwood from us? Come on Margaret, we all know that you're never here, but surely you must have heard about that?
Margaret, for the benefit of your bullying cabal and also us normal folk, are you admitting that you don't know the connections between the councillors and Cockwood?
Actually it did "Elvis"... It took you ages before you posted on here again. And sure enough it wasn't a positive contribution, it was a post against me. Pathetic indeed!
You got what you asked for Margaret & Co! If you don't know "the connection between the councillors and Cockwood" then thank the Lord that you're no longer representing us. You were useless in office and clearly likewise useless out of office.
I know that you're no longer a councillor, but surely you're still keeping abreast of local affairs?
Keep wondering Margaret. I've already stated that I don't know why he has such an interest.