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General Discussion

So where do people live. I hate this bloody government!!!!

Lets face it hardly anybody local will be able to buy any of these houses. As they are advertised Countrywide it will be people from outside that will buy, your "Escape to the Country " types.

I saw that leatash but the housing we need more than anything is social becauseas Lynnes link  shows 99% is not affordable

I can see free tv licences for over 75s and the fuel allowance going as well, he said hes going to reform pensioner benefits

28 Oct 2015

@Lynne first time for me too. i was overjoyed at the result but i think that is going to be shot down. i think they are still going to come down heavy, cameron was asked 6times today and wouldnt answer, they are being beligerent and saying to hell with it we will do what we like.

24 Oct 2015

Yet waiting  for peoples views on the 8.5million spent on this "Workie" Ipersonally think its obscene and a kick in the teeth to people who are struggling. Does anybody else think like me that IDS has lost the plot

Can I fine TDC for not cllecting my recyling on the right day and doing it 2days later after complaining and giving me porky pies as to the reason

Correct leatash  doing it over several years would have been a better solution

23 Oct 2015

I see gideons spiel has worked wonders on you, pity you dont actually get out and talk to people it will affect. In the 70s the cons brought in something called Family Income Supplement you had to work 24hrs or more a week and provide 6 weeks payslips, you renewd every 6 months, I know because as a divorced mum of 3 it was a godsend as opposed to sitting at home claiming full benefit. Gordon ...

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