as much as I dont like Harrisons they do bring people into the town and create employment for local people
just watched Love Your Garden, a woman who was healthy 3years ago struck down with Motor Neurone disease, see you never know what is around the corner or when you might need to rely on benefits, its only a small minority of work shy who take the piss
we used to have a fishmonger in Park Rd, also we have Morris Mginns a diy shop.
no giros anymore
Ive worked all my life and have not claimed HB and yes the minority do get to me sometimes but Im not so blinkered that I cant see what is happening to this Country. The majority of HB claimants work on a low wage (figures have proved this) I might god forbid develop an illness tomorrow which would mean giving up work and yes then I would be reliant on HB, I might get made redundant and yes would ...
We need a peoples revolution Linda like the poll tax revolt, this Govs actions are despicable!!!! They are brainwashing a lot of people into believing their actions are right, the last person who committed this sort of persucution was hitler
This Sunday Lynne, same time