A group for local parents with little ones 0-18months. More information: 07931 225680
Organised by Dawlish Against Plastic The event is non-Party Political.
Family friendly horse and dog show.
Weekly until March 31st 10am-12pm. Cost £1.50 session/£30 annual. More information: 01626 906375/01626 867994
£12.50 per head to include food and a few games throughout the evening. Wear something green and bring your lucky shamrocks too. More information and tickets: 07703585089
10am-1pm in Jo's Room. Serving homemade cakes and refershments.
Dawlish Wives 7.15-915pm
Dawlish Water Rotary invite you on Tuesday 25th February 2020 7.15 for 7.30pm. A 3 course meal each course accompanied by a wine which your table will then decide on its origin a la "Call My Bluff" Tickets £21. To book contact Graham Shaw 176@btinternet.com