The opening will be at 6pm on Wednesday 11th: for times on other day's, watch for publicity nearer the time
Massed choirs singing Christmas carols and songs old and new.
Teignmouth Film Society showing The Ladykillers (1955)-UK. Cost is £5.00 which is payable on the door. The Shaftesbury Theatre Bar will be open for refreshments from 7pm
Carols and readings for Christmas. The hall is very accessible, with plenty of free parking and there will be light refreshments.
Table Top Sale. Cakes and bakes, Toys, xmas pet gifts.
Charity Bingo 7pm
This is a annual service arranged by Dawlish Funeral Care for those who wish to remember loved ones they have lost and light a candle in their memory
Christmas Lunch in the cafe'. Special meet and greet to CO-OP members at 11.00
Dance and sing to music to music through the decades 40's 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's 1st Tuesday each month.