New Social Lunch Club. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. 12pm-3pm. £6 (includes £1 to club
DAWLISH WI 2nd Tuesday of each month 7.15pm. More information: 01626 638163
Come along and enjoy games, music, chat, tea and coffee. 2nd Monday of each month 2pm-4pm. More information: 01626 862529
Meets the first Tuesday of the month. Talks are chosen to be both informative and entertaining. New members are always welcome, just come along to one of our meetings.
The Phase Saxophone Quartet
Fun for all the family. Prize for the best dressed Super Hero.
Methodist Church Foyer. £10 More information: 07891858036
Followed by Music and Entertainment. £10 each. Pre book before Wed 17th Oct. 01626 889038