The spring show is open to members and the schedule will come out late February early March, it will be sent out to members and will be posted on the website. Set up for the show will be from 6.45 and the AGM will start at 7.15. Members judge the entries to the show and this will take place after our short AGM. Visitors always welcome - £3 Contacts (Secretary) 01626 889184 or June ...
Join Dawlish Garden Society and guest speaker Anne Swithinbank. For tickets availability enquiries, call the box office on 01626 863061 Ticket price £15.00
Sharon Collins Visitors always welcome- £3 Contacts: Suzanne (Secretary) 01626 889184 or June (Chair) 07486 370880
Our plant sale for shrubs, climbers, perennials, house plants, vegetables and herbs.
Derek Dexter Visitors always welcome- £3 Contacts: Suzanne (Secretary) 01626 889184 or June (Chair) 07486 370880
Dennis Balsdon Visitors always welcome- £3 Contacts: Suzanne (Secretary) 01626 889184 or June (Chair) 07486 370880
Our annual show is open to anyone to enter, show schedule and entry forms will be available in the spring on the website.
Debs Rylands Visitors always welcome- £3 Contacts: Suzanne (Secretary) 01626 889184 or June (Chair) 07486 370880
Elizabeth Holman Visitors always welcome- £3 Contacts: Suzanne (Secretary) 01626 889184 or June (Chair) 07486 370880
Clare Densley With Lunchtime Buffet Visitors always welcome- £3 Contacts: Suzanne (Secretary) 01626 889184 or June (Chair) 07486 370880