Suitable for over 50's to active 80's More infomation: 07500933241
Spanish Lessons with Daniela every Monday at 10.30am Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. More information: 07774550347
DAWLISH WI 2nd Tuesday of each month 7.15pm. More information: 01626 638163
Meets the first Tuesday of the month. Talks are chosen to be both informative and entertaining. New members are always welcome, just come along to one of our meetings.
Tickets £10 (non refundable) Tel: 07812 840 175
Antiques. Fundraiser. Bring your own bottle. Tickets only £8 to include a meat or veg pasty. To reserve tickets 01626 889288
£6 entry includes Refreshments with tea and coffee. Bring your own wine or beer etc. More information: 01626 862261
11am-3pm. Free entry - Free goodie bag - Free drink.
Thursday 1st February Planning Wednesday 7th February Full Town Council Thursday 15th February Planning Thursday 22nd February Finance and General Purposes. Tuesday 6th March Events Wednesday 7th March Full Town Council Thursday 8th March Planning Wednesday 14th March Civic Amenties Thursday 22nd March Finance and General Purposes Thursday 29th March Planning.
The 3rd Dawlish Fix Fest on Saturday 10th March. 10am-3.30pm Volunteers can repair electrical items including computers, bikes and clothes free of charge but a small donation would be appreciated. Proceeds to Friends of Dawlish Hospital. All enquiries and offers to volunteer. Please email: