Are you struggling in the cost of living crisis? Need to find out what help and support you can access? Then come along to this FREE event on the 28th February at the Manor House between 2pm and 5pm. Lots of help and advice available. Drop in on the way back from the school run - also snacks and craft activities for children. Visitors will receive a free raffle ticket with a chance to win a slow ...
Our next town litter pick is this Saturday, 24th Feb. Meet as usual at the Manor House, 10am. We supply all the kit!
Relaxation, guided by trained staff. A chance to meet others affected by loss. Last Thursday of each month. More information: 07931 225680
Every Monday. More information: 01626 891584
Every Sunday. More information: 07931 225680
Every Thursday 9.30-12pm Free parking. More information: 01626 862582
Every Tuesday, more information: 07437 332032
Every Tuesday on the Top floor. More information: 01626 772739/862791
Every Tueaday 11am-1pm. £10 a class or £36 for four classes. To book a place contact Caroline on 07484892423
Held in the council chambers, 2nd Thusday of each month except August. More information: 01626 865319