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General Discussion

Brilliant post, thanks and keep us informed. Where's the new website? By the way, isn't the name 'Dawlish Black Swans' a bit....homosexual. Why not call yourselves 'Dawlish Black Murderers." ? ...You are negroes I presume...niggers? You're not just a bunch of fat white boys who have playstations and have drunk too many fizzy drinks are you?

For someone who claims not to like Dawlish, Mark spends a lot of time on this Forum. Often replying to his own posts.

Have mixed feelings about Dawlish in 2006 following my visit last week. 1) Riff Raff There's an area of about 100 yards radius around Somerfield where on weekends the most ghastly detritus of humanity wash up. I presume they stay in caravans in Dawlish Warren - tattooed, surly, yobbish women with their brood of social security supported kids. 2) Shapters Its up for sale. If this was acquired ...

26 May 2006

I lived in Dawlish for 21 years and I don't know how to do long division.

25 May 2006

No Dawlish bred child has ever been to University. We are still waiting for the first one. We are in for a long wait, by virtue of the fact that they are all thickoes. I know this because I too was one.

I always enjoy coming to Dawlish to sea defeces.

Dawlish for the young
26 Feb 2006

Stay in Dawlish, buy a house. Get a quiet job. I know people who did precisely this after leaving school. They now have far greater net worth than me, and i've been busting my hump all over the world for the last 20 years.

who owns dawlish?
26 Feb 2006

yes, but what are your views on a) Dog sh*t b) The carnival c) Somerfield d) The amusement arcade e) Disrespectful young people f) Rancorous old persons

I like the Arrows but the Utterly Butterlys really are drivel. I realize the 'celebrities' pretty much underwrite the costs by fund-raising, which then entitles them to have a jolly day. Though I personally consider that charitable fund-raising that is partially used to finance an individual having a laff is tantamount to fraud. Mainly though, the UB fly-past is lousy, ...and pointless. Who ...

Dog Pooh in Dawlish
17 Feb 2006

Has there been any further news on this topic?

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