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General Discussion

19 Jan 2018

It sounds like this ex-exployee of DExEU has agenda, care to post a link to the whole article so we can judge it for ourselves?  Some of it is complete nonsense, such as the supermarkets warning of a 22% tariff on foods, trade negotiations are still in progress, are the supermarkets privy to these and know something we do not?  I hardly think so.  As for the wider picture, WTO tariffs work both ...

18 Jan 2018

The Single Market didn't come into being until 1993, until then businesses had to make customs declarations, it was an accepted part of doing trade.  I have lost count of the number of Certificates of Origin I've completed in my time, it's no big deal.  We still do these customs procedures for the rest of the world, and they number far more than EU27.  Listening to the doom-mongers you'd think we ...

13 Jan 2018

@Lynne If the falling value of the pound causes some food prices to increase, buy British instead.

12 Jan 2018

If you really do take off all the plastic packaging while in the supermarket, how do you then hygenically get all your purchases home?

12 Jan 2018

And you piss off everybody in the queue behind you.

Fire & Fury
7 Jan 2018

Anything that is critical of Trump suits the BBC's agenda, I suspect they had to call in the grief counsellors when the news broke he had won the election, as they probably did for the Brexit result too.

Tit bits
2 Jan 2018

In England the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) decides what drugs and treatments will be funded by the NHS, but just because a drug is on the NICE approved list it doesn't automatically mean you will receive it, some NHS Trusts arbitrarily decide not to fund some treatments. Healthcare is a devolved issue so Scotland and Wales do their own thing, but the situation in ...

1 Jan 2018

Health care in this country is a post code lottery, if you live in the right area you will get adequate care.  Unfortunately that cannot be said of this area.

1 Jan 2018

@DJ The "heavily subsidised" prescriptions, dental charges and all other health care costs are paid for from our extortionate taxes, you make it sound like we get all this for free.

@Lynne Unlike at present, after Brexit we will have the freedom to make individual trade deals with any country in the world, but of course you already know that. Can you provide the source for your claim that our new blue passports will be produced in Germany?

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