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Gary Taylor

Gary Taylor's Posts

I've got two strong arms...

6 May 2017

We all want to change the world, Indy Scot. But going for the man instead of the ball (and in the interests of gender equality, elsewhere on this site, for the woman) will achieve nothing except to further the cause of the right-wing Conservatives. Still that seems to be the mantra of the idealogues of Labour and the left: Conservatives out - but first let's get rid of those pesky Lib Dems.

With ominous storm clouds building up by the day Burneside, it won't be just those many people who want a socially and economically acceptable deal that will be disappointed.

6 May 2017

You will get Brexit even if you vote for Labour. But if you want proper scrutiny of the negotiated terms (including calling a halt to the proceedings for a bad deal or a no deal via a referendum) then the choice is between the Lib Dems and the Greens - whichever is the most likely to succeed in the seat in question.

Or an X against none of them Leatash. There were a number of ballot papers at the count that were uncounted or 'spoiled' because of such infringements. For information, the intention is that if it is clear that a vote was meant but not applied per regulations (say an X against a candidate but not in the box, or a tick instead of an X) then candidates and/or agents (with advise from ...

6 May 2017

Thank you for that posting Roberta. There is no doubt that the policy tussles between these two main candidates, together with their old school / new broom campaigning styles, has resulted in a certain amount of negative posturing. On a personal level however, both have the same aim - to do the best for the communities they represent. Like Martin Wrigley, I spent much of polling ...

Perhaps. But we are obviously not talking about the incumbent Conservative candidate here, Burneside.

Clatworthy wins it
5 May 2017

An increase in the Lib Dem vote from 294 in 2013 to 1479 is not to be sniffed at Burneside. And while there were much closer calls both ways for the Conservatives and the Lib Dems today, the figures for the incumbent in Dawlish was considerably flattered by the collapse in the UKIP vote (from 1094 > 300). Looks like those who support UKIP have found a new home for their vote in the ...

But bad news also for Theresa May if she had ever thought she could pull off what this previous 'Reluctant Remainer' may well have quietly been hoping for - a soft-Brexit.