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Beyond Dawlish

24 Feb 2025 15:07

Choosing the best roofing material can be a tough decision to make. The roof of a house needs to be strong, durable yet affordable.

It can be difficult to maintain quality and manage expenses. Everyone wants the best material for their home but doesn't want to pay an excessive amount of money. How to manage costs and make sure that you get the best materials? 

This guide will precisely answer this question so let's dive in.


Best Roofing Material

To select the best roofing material, it's important to know about common types of roofs used in homes.

1) Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are one of the most common types of roofing material across the US. They can be used for almost any type of architectural style. It uses asphalt for waterproofing which makes it ideal for areas with dewy winters and rainfall. Asphalt shingles can be further divided into different types such as fire-resistant, wind-resistant etc. So they are very versatile. 



  • They are cost-effective to use

  • They are easy to install and replace 

  • They come in various styles 



  • Normal asphalt shingles are vulnerable to harsh winds

  • Extreme weather fluctuations may cause them to crack

  • They don't last as long (15 to 20 years) as compared to other types of best roofing material.


2) Concrete Tiles

Another popular roofing material is concrete tiles. They are durable and energy efficient. Concrete tiles come in three different styles

  •  Low/flat – no curves

  • Medium – less than or equal to 1-inch high for every 5 inches in width

  • High – greater than 1-inch high for every 5 inches in width



  • They come in various colours 

  • Concrete tiles can last up to 50 years

  • It's a tough and durable material

  • It's an eco-friendly material as it reduces energy consumption 



  • They are expensive compared to other tiles. Cost Estimation For Homeowners can help to manage the expenses.

  • They are heavy

  • Colour can fade over and may require a repaint


3) Clay Tiles

Clay Tiles are most preferred in warmer climates as it is most suited to those areas. In Addition to functionality they also enhance the aesthetic appeal of the home which is one of the reasons people are drawn towards it. 

They have been used for centuries so let's take a look at the pros and cons.



  • It is considered one of the best roofing materials because ofits  durability

  • It is resistant to harsh weather conditions and UV rays

  • It offers an attractive appearance 

  • Nature insulating properties 

  • Low maintenance 



  • The cost falls on the high end of the spectrum

  • They are significantly heavy

  • Can break under heavy impact 


4) Slates 

If you are considering slates for your roofing project it's important to look at Its advantages and disadvantages.



  • It offers excellent fire resistance

  • They come in different sizes and colours and give a decorative appearance to the house 

  • If properly installed they can last up to 100 years

  • There's very little wastage of roofing materials



  • It is difficult to install and repair

  • May require maintenance 

  • May require reinforcement  


5) Synthetic Wood

Synthetic wood is also considered one of the best roofing materials. It is mainly composed of composite wood.  It is preferred over using wood as wood can retain moisture and be damaged over time. Although they can be a costly choice, due to the benefits and return on investment people tend to lean towards it.



  • They are long-lasting

  • They are environment friendly and sustainable 

  • They are lightweight

  • They are relatively easy to install

  • Low maintenance 

  • Resistant to mildew and mold



  • The initial cost of synthetic wood is high

  • Prone to damage due to large impact 


Co%u200Bnsiderations of Choosing Roofing Material for Home

Here are some factors that you should take into account before settling on a roofing material for your home.


  • Weather: Consider the weather where the roof needs to be installed. Roofing materials are environmentally sensitive. It's important to choose ones that go well with the weather conditions.


  • Installation Difficulty: If you are going for a material that is difficult to install then you should consider that installation cost will be high. Moreover, it's important to have access to see labour in your area.


  • Price: Roofing Material Takeoff Services like SMA Estimating LLC can help to manage the cost of a project. These estimators provide cost-effective solutions and prevent cost overruns.


  • Availability: The roofing materials that you select should be available in your area. Otherwise, there would be an increase in transportation expenses.



If you want to choose the best roofing material for your roofing project it's important to analyze all these factors. A roof plays a key role in maintaining the structural integrity of your home. So the research is worth it. It may seem like an endless amount of work but planning is a key factor for every construction project. It's vital to do your research and know what you want. The best way to manage expenses of a roofing project is to take professional help. You could try calculating the cost yourself but there could be a lot of variables such as wastage of material, fluctuating market prices etc. 

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