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Beyond Dawlish

Joe Holliday
Joe Holliday
05 Feb 2025 09:00
OK so I HAVE TO share my weekend with u guys.. 
Sometimes we just enjoy flying so much we just forget it's not about the plane or the pilot skills - flying #imac is all about the community! and let me tell you - our imac community is simply ridiculously amazing**
Back to Friday.. so I will let the pics tell the story but will add some big thank you along.. first goes to Jim McCall for landing it for me so gracefully ! I honestly lost my mind when realized that everything was lost in flight and asked Jim's help (and glad I did!) So thank you McCall! .. so that was a short moment owning a 200cc glider thanks to Jacques Telles and #CreativeRcIndustries  who got her back on her feet within less than 24 hours!!!!!! I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH  J.T!!! On a side note JT have all the awesome sauce you need for your imac builds , repair , service and assembly! 
So yes I still got some more work to do here but she just flew AND landed perfectly! 
Since I couldn't find my stuff after it was lost I will add another thank you - Jeff and Allen Anderson for helping me with a new set of wheels , and J.T and Jim for helping with the new gear , pants and related hardware. 
#rc plane #creativeRCindustries #GodfreyExtra


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