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Beyond Dawlish

04 Sep 2024 06:49

If you are considering divorce or are in the middle of the process, child custody and visitation are likely your greatest concerns. 


In California, child custody determinations are made based on the best interests of the child. This means the court will favor the child's well-being over fairness to the parents. California law also includes the mandatory process of attending mediation before parents can file for custody in court. Whatever your situation, it's best to hire a child custody lawyer Orange County who understands the law and can protect your rights. 


Lopez Scca has 25 years of experience in helping parents get custody of their children. We understand the factors the court evaluates to award custody, and we use our knowledge and experience on the subject to craft a compelling case that achieves your goals. 


Types of Custody


·        Physical Custody 

Physical custody includes which parent the child will live with. The child may share the residence of both parents equally or live with one parent exclusively.


·        Legal Custody

Legal custody is the parental right to make important decisions regarding the child's education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. This may be exercised by both parents equally or by one exclusively. 


·        Sole Custody

Sole custody is when the child lives with one parent who also retains the decision-making rights. 


·        Joint Custody 

Joint custody is when the child splits his/her time equally between parents per a time sharing arrangement. 


Any combination of these are possible. In some cases, only one parent has physical custody while both share legal custody. It is also possible that both parents share physical and legal custody, or only one parent has both physical and legal custody. Whatever your situation, it is essential to consult with a child custody lawyer in Orange County to know what to expect and make informed decisions. 


Call (714) 733-7065 or send an email to to schedule a free consultation with our child custody lawyers in Orange County today.

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