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Dawlish News

Dawlish News
Dawlish News
23 May 2024 15:00
We are aware of an unauthorised encampment at Dawlish Warren outer car park, Beach Road, Dawlish Warren.
We are following the relevant legal process to remove this unauthorised encampment.
For more information about how we deal with unauthorised encampments, please visit our website -


23 May 2024 15:56

All fine and dandy with their human rights but wht does the taxpayer keep hving to pick up the bill for removal of rubbish and clean up.  The teignbridge litter wardens ( a joke in itself) should be sent in and fine same if required


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@1263 It's officially the run in to the General election on July 4th, so the Lib Dem Cllrs and their supporters are usually more than happy to give up their time and do the odd litter pick.

Oh hang on, that's just for photo opportunities in the press and on their social media, posing as community spirited and 'green'. If you've ever seen them picking litter or painting graffiti'd walls you know they're not up to the job and easily tire given the poor physical shape of these local political heavyweights. Most have never done any hands-on grafting or real work.

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