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Dawlish News

Dawlish Town Council

Dawlish News
Dawlish News
17 May 2024 06:44

Over the past year the Town Council has been working on an ongoing project on the maintenance and fixing of the Fountain on Tuck's Plot. Works were supposed to be undertaken in mid-March to bring the Fountain back to working order. Unfortunately, the contractor employed was unable to complete these works.
We frequently get asked when the Fountain at Tuck's Plot will be fixed and we want to let you know that this project has not been forgotten!
We are now in discussion with contractors and working towards a new date to get these works complete. The timing has to be in consideration with the weather and the location of the cygnets and all the Waterfowl, therefore we really appreciate your patience in the delays to the work on the Fountain. It is still ongoing and will be fixed!
Thank you for your understanding and patience.


17 May 2024 07:32

Are the town  council pushing to get a replacement bridge in the manor ?

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