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Dawlish News

Dawlish News
Dawlish News
04 Feb 2021 08:47

Network Rail The second stage of raising the revetment with a huge engineering feat For the next 100 years, we will use Europe’s only “Wavewalker” barge to protect the line from the sea.

In 2014, a railway line in Dawlish, Devon was damaged. Enterprises want to improve their southwestern infrastructure.

And there is concern that it will take at least seven more years before that important work phase begins.


06 Feb 2021 08:28

Campaigners call for Okehampton route reopening on Dawlish anniversary

06 Feb 2021 18:42

That's OK but I wonder how the people who live in houses built on the old ripped up track past Okehampton will feel about it having their homes demolished so that passengers don't have to suffer a bit of inconvenience a few time a year? angry

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