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Dawlish News

Dawlish News
Dawlish News
04 Feb 2019 08:27

When the then Prime Minister David Cameron boarded the first train through the seaside town during a two-month round-the-clock operation by the Orange Army to repair the line, he made a £400million promise to ensure the disaster was never to be repeated.


05 Feb 2019 13:06

Anyone surprised?  he is a politican after all....................!!!!  Don't forget were all in it together.!!! unless your George( 3 jobs) Osborne who will not let you get together in his new 7million pound pad.

Mel ( what i did in parliment today) Stride  column in the local newspapers .......never mind food banks, redundancy's at BCT, and local issues. Never said in his column  about secret tax line for politicans straight to HMRC  for individual assistance. These guys are so out of touch to the real world.


How about this one...Police and crime commisioner asks for more money in rates to increase did last police and crime commisioner which after increase resulted in zero visible  extra police.


How about this one - Failed Dorset merger cost £200.000.  Could we not have put that money  and by abolishing the non-elected Police and Crime commisioners office  adding her salary to offset rate increases.?


Hope all vconcerned tax-payers have filled in survey about police increases online, before they say no-one objected to more money in the rates..    Update  :  Budget Blown..!!!!  never seen as many cops as in Dawlish with the gas escapade.


Now standing down from my soapbox.

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