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Dawlish News

Dawlish Neighbourhood Police

Dawlish News
Dawlish News
29 Apr 2015 14:26

Message from your local Trading Standards department:
Rogue Trader Alert: we have received complaints via our Police partners over the last few days in relation to gardening work in the Teignmouth, Dawlish and Buckfastleigh areas of Devon...
In one incident the consumer was cold called and told she had trees overhanging the public highway and that this was an offence. She was charged £400 for the work.
Other incidents involve traders cold calling charging excessively for work and failing to provide information such as business name, address, telephone number, the price of the work and how long it will take etc. Traders are also required to provide a 14 day cancellation notice, which has not been provided. In one incident the consumer was driven to the bank by the rogues.
Our advice as always, is take time to gain at least 3 quotes for work you would like done, and get a second opinion if you are advised to have work done you didn't think you needed.
No cold caller stickers area available from local Police and by calling Citizens Advice on 0345 04 0506. We urge anyone who believes doorstep criminals may be operating in their area to contact the Police. Incidents like this are known to be linked to distraction burglary.

29 Apr 2015 17:03

It is not just the rogue traders who are criminally at fault, it is also some of the people that hire and inadvertently encourage them. 

My neighbour paid £300.00 to have a few small limbs chainsawed from a eucalypt two weeks ago. The chap who did it (with an Irish accent) was there for an hour, used no safety equipment, just a ladder and a chainsaw, when he was 20 feet from the ground.

Cash paid (I'm Sure), no VAT (on £300.00) per hour?), no tax and pretty sure there would have been no insurance.

And what was my neighbour before he retired?


He should be ashamed


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