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BOO HOO's Posts

Wait for the virus to start mutating. Currently there are 2 strains doing the rounds. Again the virus has been allowed to get a stronger global foot hold because governments were more interested in their economy than their people.

4 Mar 2020

@leatash ...well put, but time will tell. Although I will keep an eye on the number of under 50 year olds who get infected outside of China. I think it is going to be a little higher than the odds you suggest.

Am I on an alternate Earth where the reverse on logic and common sense prevails and only evil and greed are rewarded? The NHS has been eroded for decades whilst the management continues to grow like the fungus on moldy meat. Its about time this countries numerous festering swamps were drained and the country was run for the people not the establishment.

Their jobs ffs

2 Mar 2020

Well done to our incompetent government.

And we all know which people get the most out of these positions of power, DONT WE?


For decades now the NHS has been caught in an upside down world. Management rule the roost and patients and nurses are at the bootom of their list. Managements goal is to maximise the amount of money that goes in THEIR pockets. On one hand they moan there are not enough beds and with the other hand they sell off numerous well positioned and well used local hospitals. Greed is not only ...

Don't u think?

Its about time they spent the money they already claw off hard working people on the essentials. Instead of large pay packets, pension top ups and expenses and newton abbot town centre.