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Purrrrrfect's Posts

Currently at 135 of 200, definetly worth signing. 14:20 hrs stands at 185.

@Lynne - petitiion currently unavailable as it is being checked to make sure that it meets the petition standards before being published, although 5 people have already signed it...strange.

13 Mar 2016

@Morty Vicker - just go away. you do nothing but destroy the positive attitude of people who view and contribute on this site. How many times do you need to be told you are not welcome with the nasty attitude you have towards those that enjoy a good constructive post on this site


11 Mar 2016

For those that have an interest, Mr Stone has lodged an appeal against the planning refusal for the 2 dwellings he wishes to build on the steep bit of land at the end of Meadow Park. I would like to post a copy of the letter I rec'd from Teignbridge planning, but I keep getting an error message when I try to post- '500 internal server error' maybe the webmaster may know what's wrong.

Went passed the toilets last week and no work has yet commenced, does anyone have any info?

Drugs, Dawlish,,,, what a shocker, who would have thought it, not. From the rumours I have heard drugs/alcohol linked to social issues in Dawlish has been going on for decades.

@Morty Vicker (9 mar 2016 22:24)  would you mind explaining what you are implying by your comment?

Yes and we know where all these units will be destined for when the North gets rid of them - the west country!

Why not get rid of the coastal railway line, rip up the rails and sleepers and tarmac it. Then it can be used by cyclists, walkers, etc....!