I give up
@leatash where paul and wondering are concerned your banging your head against a brick wall , they havnt got more than a pea for a brain between them
Paul for ---- sake read it
https://jobsearch.direct.gov.uk/JobSearch/PowerSearch.aspx?rad=20&rad_units=miles&pp=25&sort=rv.dt.di&vw=b&re=134&setype=2&tjt=all&where=ex7 check these jobs out Paul
University Graduats cant find suitable jobs with all their qualifications and usually end up doing minimum wage jobs. Some jobs offer you NVQ Training but you still only get minimum wage, there is no answer to this
and pray tell me my child how does one find one like that if you are a manual worker. All business pay minimum wage ( no alternative) do you honestly think people deliberately look for minimum wage?, if you have no qualifications you stand no chance oh that is of course if you can find a job in the first place. I know people who are crying out for a job its not that easy Paul you do like pulling ...
Thats gross Paul after Tax and NI it would be about £12500. You can earn £9440 before tax and £5668 before NI
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/nash-riggins/welfare-reform_b_4580562.html?utm_hp_ref=uk-politics heres another one leatash
@wondering i bleeped out the word which lets be fair we all have, but old fart can say it no recrimination there, everybody seems to have a different opinion of profanity. A Tory MP stated yesterday that its time they started helping the workers on minimum wage who full time only earn £12,500 per year and not millionaires, now theres a Tory I could like ...