Ken I think you are missing the point. The route from Lanherne to Beach Street will be stepped and therefore not suitable for wheelchairs, mobility scooters - or for that matter bike riding. The vertical drop from the start of the slope at Lanherne down to Beach Street is in the order of 5 metres and contains 20 steps. There is far too little room (or public money) to create an ...
Ken, This from DCC in response to my enquiry (in blue) on 25th April: I note from DCC's letter that these works will 'take existing cyclists off Exeter Road'. Can we please be advised of how the cycle path will be accessed from the A379 (heading north) and where the 'Destination Dawlish' route is intended to be terminated? The current CCF funding will enable the route to be ...
Thanks for the info, Flo - and the input. Please don't shoot the messenger but I have been advised by TDC and DCC that the path from Lanherne to Beach Street will still feature steps and that a 'gulley' will be provided for bicycles. This would seem to preclude an easier descent/ascent for 'toddler trailers', tricycles and, sadly, wheelchairs. I would therefore be interested to know how ...
So she says one thing (arguing against the Planning Minister, Brandon Lewis, who wishes to disagree with many of the Lords amendments): (on CRA) ...electing a local authority once every four years is not the same as giving local communities a voice in planning decisions that affect them. It is now time to look seriously at giving the community a real sense of democratic responsibility and ...
Yes, Margaret, the tail backs were very bad yesterday. I heard a lot of sirens - perhaps there was an accident or other emergency which contributed to that? I will try and find out if Lanherne residents were consulted about the works. In any case residents should be consulted about how they feel the cycle path will affect them and what in their view should be done to help avoid any conflict ...
This just in from a Devon County Council highways officer in response to concerns raised by Dawlish Town Councillors last week: ...the signs on the carriageway state six months of roadworks, where as the reality is that the disruption to the public is significantly less as the majority of the works relate to works Lanherne. I will discuss this with the Contractor and either remove the ...
To put my post above into context @Barbarawils68 , for an appeal at Gatehouse to stand a better chance of approval (and for that matter at Hill Drive) fresh proposals for the deferred NW Secmaton Lane (DA2) Development Framework will need to come forward containing acceptable access arrangements and a revised link road delivery schedule. We have already heard Humphrey Clemens ...
I'm no lawyer @Barbarawils68 - and when it comes to major planning decisions my crystal ball is probably as cloudy as the next person's. What I can say is that it would be a brave (read foolhardy) elected district or county representative who would chose to ignore the wishes of the almost 1000 Dawlish residents who have already added their names to the petition: 'Humans Before Houses, Build the ...
Thank you Lynne. This application is suffixed 'SO' (Scoping Opinion) which seeks to establish a/ if development would be appropriate (it is part of DA2 so that answer would in all probability be yes) and b/ if so, what level of information would be required in order for the Local Planning Authority to make a considered decision. The input from Natural England of 14th March runs to ...
Interestingly Fred, the only public comment listed on the DCC website is this: I fully support the proposal. It will make cycling safer on this route While DCC Highways comment is as follows: THE HEAD OF PLANNING, TRANSPORTATION AND ENVIRONMENT, ON BEHALF OF DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL, AS LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY,HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Given ...