A small but important point of order that may help people put context to the sentence “...the other option was not what those in support of the playpark on the Lawn wanted”. The option of the playpark being on the Manor Park was rescinded by the full Council when it was realised that there would not be any funding available for it to be located there.
Not being a serial complainer, I can only go by my single experience with them, and that was faultless in terms of communication, timeliness and execution. Bridleway 3 was cleared within a fortnight of me highlighting the issue - in my opinion you can’t say fairer than that.
Great post, majorp. Good to read that you’ve made a full recovery from cancer.
What is this termite that you keep referring to?
Absolutely right Burneside. But it’s always worth pointing out when people state opinions as facts. Thanks for your input nonetheless.
In your opinion, Flower.
Utterly ridiculous figures! £500 a month for gardening services??? Who are they using? Toby Buckland??? And what do the Admin costs cover?
I prefer to use tea leaves...
Do you want a list of names and their reasons? This may take some time...
Time to bump this up again - surely we can get this over 310 signatures???? After all, I’m sure that a solitary letter of support for Alison Foden in letters page of this weeks Gazette shouldn’t be taken as a gauge of residents feelings on this subject... ;-)