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Morty Vicker

Morty Vicker's Posts

@BEE9 . There's just one article from way back on Feb 25th.

6 Apr 2016

@Margaretswift55 . You know that's untrue. You're only saying this because of who you think i am. how can facts such as £100,000 being the equivalent of £1.66 per annual TDC council tax bill be "utter rubbish"?  divide that £1.66 by 50,000 will give you the subsidy per ticket that us TDC council tax bill payers are contributing per ticket. fact, not "utter rubbish". The benefits ...

5 Apr 2016

@Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect I've merely been providing facts and my point of view.  That's hardly 'destroying interesting/informative posts'.  But thank you anyway for your positive contribution, as always. @BEE9 .  your post makes no sense in relation to the original post about that website.  and anyway, my post that you're commenting on was in reply to ...

5 Apr 2016

@Margaretswift55 . which part of my post that you replied to is "utter rubbish"?

5 Apr 2016

£1.66 per bill not per person.  Each council tax bill has subsidised each ticket to the tune of a minute fraction of 1p. The financial benefits to be gained by the area are already well documented and well-founded based upon the experience of previous years events.

4 Apr 2016

@flo erm you were tagged because i was responding to your post. the point being that as locals we were easily able to obtain tickets. i'm sure your kids will have an amazing time.

4 Apr 2016

Ticketmaster do indeed charge a booking fee. Standard practice sadly. And locals did get priority over those outside of the local postcode areas. I apologise for not thanking TDC council tax payers for their £1.66 contribution per council tax bill towards this whole event. Cheers!

4 Apr 2016

@Purrrrrrrrfect. That website has nothing to do with Dawlish Town Council. I think you owe them an apology. @flo . my better half got lucky and got our two tickets inside 30 minutes this morning. £17 for two people to attend such an amazing gig is an absolute bargain. can't wait!  thank you tdc and thank you bbc.

Can you imagine the furore from the Plymouth media had this happened somewhere along the Dawlish seawall? Thankfully it was at a very slow speed.

@Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect 1. This story has nothing to do with the seawall, just that little breakwater at the end of the brook. 2.  Precisely where else along the actual seawall is it "falling apart"? 3. Have a good evening.