I contacted the Dawlish Gazette on Tuesday and was surprised no one else had spoken to them. His response was that they did not know about what was going on. He whilst on the phone looked at Dawlish.com and told me that the deadline had been passed for putting anything in. He is aware of the concern to put it lightly from residents, so is aware to leave space for lots of comment and I also told ...
You want a public meeting, well there is a Dawlish Town Council Planning Meeting on Thursday 24th of March 2016 at 7pm. This is bound to be an emergency item on the agenda, so as many of the Dawlish residents that can make it need to attend.
There are also the people at the top who are potentially kept in the dark, as noted before on another post. So maybe multiple calls to this lady pointing out the failings of people within her organisaion might not go amiss. They always say the buck stops with the head of the organisation and so she is ultimately responsible. Nicola Bulbeck nicola.bulbeck@teignbridge.gov.uk 01626 ...
From the Dawlish Gazette article after the Planning Meeting on July 28 last year it appears it is TDC, since the document contained changes that the landowners had not agreed on, that's why there were calls for further landowners meetings to make sure the TDC changes were even workable. So what the community got basically was not agreed by the landowners and therefore could be found unsound if it ...
That just about sums Teignbridge up and David Cameron was holding them up as a Council to look up to! I am hoping that the press have got wind of this now and have time to talk to some of those residents who will be most affected. Anyone heard anything from our TDC Councillors? or Dawlish ones for a matter of fact other than Gary Taylor? It is all a bit too quiet. I don't know who is worse ...
Hey thank you, I have got a message link now appearing under people's posts! I didn't know you could message, so I have learnt something today.
Messaging facility? How do you get that?
One person who could organise things and is not a Tory is Richard Younger Ross, since he also helped out with Warren Farm and the Compulsory Purchase threat by TDC. Why the Red Rock, why not the Football club since all the proposed traffic could affect them. The venue is large enough, they have a bar and are right next to the carpark for those who are not within walking distance or have walking ...
A lot of people go to that area since there is Tennis, Football, Red rock, Leisure Centre, maybe a poster with my original post should be put up at these places. Anyone any good at producing posters? Some posters on lamp posts might help, I always read them just in case they are important!
The person who appears in overall charge of producing the DA2 Framework is this person: Simon Thornley Spatial Planning & Delivery Manager 01626 215706 simon.thornley@teignbridge.gov.uk So maybe comments should also be directed at the source.