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BOO HOO's Posts

@Paul (08 nov 2016 17:59) - i would tend to agree with you there.

8 Nov 2016

Neither of them are worthy to hold the office, but unless you can get hold of a few 100 million dollars you cannot enter the race. Clinton is an old, fire breathing dragon and the only thing she has to bartar with 'is she is female' uhm! Trump on the other hand is what I would call a big old fart who gets his way because he has always set the environment around him. He has a lot of money and ...

A few pics of how glorious it was this morning.

@ken - no wonder they are all grinning in their photo's showing the management structure and pay scale link you posted. How they can justify the salaries they get down here, when most average people work there backside's off for around 12k a year. It's a shame that their sky high salaries are inversly proportional to the quantity and quality of their contributions to the rate payers of ...

lovely walk along the water in Teignmouth this Sunday. Although I think some people were taking a bit of a risk overloading there dinghy. Just after they moored up a boat went passed, at speed, sending large waves in their direction which would have certainly sunk their tiny craft.

Anyone else seen these on any other part of the coast this weekend. Watched a documentary a while ago on plastic polluting the sea's and killing loads of marine life.

Walking past the brook outlet last night and i noticed the brook has been cleared on the sea side of the outlet. Although it is still backed up only a few feet back up the brook. What is it with people these days, always a half hearted attempt at most things. Once upon a time people had pride in their work.

Dial M for makeover as BT gives phoneboxes a futuristic facelift. BT, so the Daily Mail states, is attempting to make phoneboxes more relevant by offering free calls, superfast wi fi internet and charging points in the kiosks. The facilities - branded as link sites - will also have touch screen computers which offer access to maps, directions and local services. The service would be funded by ...

@tom (25 oct 2016 12:19) the signs specifically state no cycling, if you are capable of cycling then you can walk with the bike along that stretch. yes, scooters are more stable than 2 wheel cycles, obviously! I, for one, do not want a person or group of cyclist's trying to barge past me on the sea wall on their inherently unstable cycles.  If a disabled scooter came past I would, out of ...

25 Oct 2016

@Mrkwillms30 - the sea wall is a dangerous place to walk due to the height and no barrier, i appreciate your position, but no cycling means no cycling. i agree the signs need to be prominent and visable to all. in the case of the entrance to the sea wall from dawlish railway viaduct towards dawlish warren it would seem some idiot took them off some time ago, although there is a tiny round one ...