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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

Try ringing this number you sicko - 08457 697555. Alternatively, if you are still in denial over your problem, I suggest you spend some of your time (you seem to have plenty on your hands) looking around this website: I truly pity you.

7 Aug 2008

So now, Roy/Viaduct/Jess/Anon you're taking the piss out of cancer sufferers. This morning it was abortion, now it's cancer. You truly are the lowest of the low. If you can stop your head from spinning for a minute, please close your eyes and think about the consequences of your thought-less and soul-less words. You wouldn't say such disgusting things to a persons face, yet you're happy to do so ...

7 Aug 2008

You poor soul. Whoever Karen Tracy is, she has posted at the same time as myself on two different threads (give or take 10 seconds). Hover over the dates to see the posting time (as you taught me to do - cheers!). My typing is pretty quick, but it's not that quick, mate. So, yet again, your paranoid delusions have been blown out of the water. You've spoilt yet another thread, Roy. Well done ...

7 Aug 2008

Pal, you've shit your pants haven't you? That's why you are harking on about lawyers. Remember that it is YOU who has tonight named two individuals (neither of whom I have met or want to meet) and stated that they take 40% off charitable donations. You are SO in the shit. Being Anon is irrelevant. Your IP address is recorded every time you post on the internet, and that can be obtained from ...

7 Aug 2008

Can you please show me where I have lied? Pretty please. I await a response that does not answer the question.

7 Aug 2008

Yep, I've been wiping the floor with internet keyboard warriors since 1996. You're merely small fry, mate. I prefer opponents who put up more of a fight. You're incapable of answering basic questions (time after time after time), so I don't need to show you up for what you are - you do it yourself buddy.

7 Aug 2008

Yet more projecting by you. Your typing even slurs! Amateurish, mate. Amateurish.

7 Aug 2008

Oh dear, oh dear! That really IS libelous! You're SO f*cked mate. You being drunk when posting is not an excuse in the eyes of the law. I'm glad I'm not in your shoes.

7 Aug 2008

Stand to attention and lick his boots????!! I didn't realise that our mayor was agile enough to be able to do a handstand? You silly arse. So here's yet another example of your lack of cogent thinking. Sheer amateurism on your part I'm afraid, Roy. Remember, I've been doing this for years - you are but a newbie in this game... (It's past your 10pm bedtime, so I look forward to your reply ...

7 Aug 2008

All the best for whatever the future holds Ian. I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, but you sound like a good man and father. Good luck also to the new owners.