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Dawlish News

Read your discussions on this issue with great interest! I don`t know if many of you  remember when the first phase of Meadow park was built there was i believe an undertaking from Mr stone that he would contribute to an access road. he subsequently declined to honour this agreement and therefore has been in conflict with TDC ever since. if you look back over many years Mr stone retained ...

spiral 1 Another example of how we are all being used as cash cows? Latest from the E U. Britains contribution to rise another 5% over 2014-2020 raising our contribution to a mere 13.6 Billion.... Is it any wonder Local Authorities feel free to resort to such extravagance with budgets like this? Oh how we thought nothing could be worse than the last Government how wrong we were !

28 Oct 2012

£800.000 payout on planning cockup and Teignbridge Council say it could have been 3 Million. so now they can move on. Do we know who made this almighty blunder are they going to be held to account and are they still in a position to make similar boobs? Or do they believe residents of Teignbridge are all Millionairs and a few hundred thousands on our rates is neither here or there?

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