I've never requested a FOI, but I would request one in relation to the Big Weekend. Elected bodies that do deals behind closed doors and do not consult those they represent and use public money unwisely should be held to account. It's a question of transparency and democracy. Lots of people are unhappy with TDC and many in DTC over Powderham, Housing, Sewage, etc. I doubt they're all concerned ...
Like I wrote previously, I don't care whether you think my question is nonsense. In any case how can these so called 'misguided' folk agree or disagree with a question? A statement maybe, but not a question. Teignbridge District Council are in the business of commercial arrangements these days (Bovis, Strongvox, Cavanna, Redrow), but not necessarily in the best interests of those who live ...
What for? a cut of the profits? Will TDC recoup the £100K. I don't care whether you think my question is nonsense.
So what's the TDC payment of £100K for? A backhander?
@Morty Vicker s. I just felt that Flo had a valid point. Those calling others whiners or a miserable lot because they would like some clarity regarding finances is hardly conducive to open discussion. Whether you agree with it or not some local people are very angry, so why antagonise them further? It's inevitable that this thread will produce discussion on that matter. Why not start ...
@Morty Vicker s. that makes little sense 'sonny jim'.
@flo , well put.
Is DJ really the Earl of Devon or Jeremy Christophers?
This relates to the question; Who owns the BBC? It should be accountable to the license fee payer.
@Lynne , i was going to suggest a snapshot of the webpage. But that'd probably be an infringement.