Happy surfing for 2007.
IF ANYONE RECEIVES AN EMAIL WITH AN ATTACHMENT STATING SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF:- "Dear user of dawlish.com, Your account has been used to send a huge amount of spam messages during the last week. We suspect that your computer was compromised and now runs a hidden proxy server. Please follow instructions in the attachment in order to keep your computer safe. Sincerely yours, The ...
Thanks to everyone for contributing to this website. Please note I have moved some of the discussion in the notice board section to the discussion section.
www.dawlish.com now has its own web search engine. Choose 'Web Search' from the header menu.
Have a great easter everyone!
Due to system upgrades you may experience intermittent periods where www.dawlish.com is not responding properly. This is for the period 04/March/2004 to 05/March/2004 We apologise for any inconvenience caused.