Come along to an Evening of Clairvoyance and Mediumship with Dawn. Dawn brings lovely messages through from the spirit world. 7.30 p.m. start £3.00 on the door. Healing 6.45 p.m. and after demonstration. A warm welcome to all. Children welcome. Affiliated to United Spiritualists
This Event will be with Mandy Rodrigues, a fairly new but excellent Medium. Mandy is a gifted Medium with true spiritual ability to make that connection with our departed loved ones, now residing in the World of Spirit, to inspire us with evidence of life beyond life. Our entry fee of £2.50 goes towards Church Funds but includes tea, coffee and biscuits afterwards. All are welcome.
Come along to a great night of Clairvoyance and Mediumship with messages and upliftment with Jean Newell. Starts 7.30 p.m. £3.00 on the door A warm welcome to all Children welcome Healing available 6.45 p.m. and after demonstration.
If you ever wondered what goes on in this building. now is your chance to find out. We are holding an open event to which all are invited, if you have an interest then come and watch a short presentation followed by questions. We will hopefully destroy a few myths and tell you why we do so much good in this world.
From 26th May to 2nd June Includes Theatre recitals, Exhibitions and lots more.
The Final 7.30pm start.
All About The Art 10am - 2pm. Competition Results 12pm