Mondays Cheeky Monkeys 9.15-945am £3.50 12months-4yrs MAMA & ME AROBICS 10-11am £5 WESTERN LINE DANCE 11.30-12.30am £5 More information: 07572053318
Carols by Candlelight for the community
Cost £5 in aid of Children's Hospice South West.
The Millenium Hall, 7pm-8.30pm Free
Lots of new and nearly new items for sale over two floors. Plus mince pies, home-made cakes and refreshments available.
Cakes, handicrafts and gifts for all ages etc.
Come along to an Evening of Clairvoyance and Christmas Festivities with Lynne Richards and Sonia Jane This will be a very festive evening. Tickets £5.00 to include buffet Various Stalls and Christmas Raffle
Tunnicliff building, Barton car park. Raffle, cake sale, tea and coffee. All proceeds to Alzheimers Society