Teams no greater than 6 members.£3 per person Players welcome to bring food and drink
Come along and enjoy games, music, chat, tea and coffee. 2nd Monday of each month 2pm-4pm. More information: 01626 862529
Tickets £4 should be purchased in advance from Dawlish Library. Hosted by Friends of Dawlish Library supporting your Library Locally
Badge and making Junk Modelling 10.30- 11.30. Plus - Lego club extra Thursday 15th February 2pm-4pm.
This is a knitting club for experienced or beginners. Thursdays 11.30 - 12.30
Bring your own games or use ours. Mondays 10.30am 12. noon For more information: 01626 862529
For babies to 5 yrs.
Once a month Mondays 2 pm - 3.30 pm. Carers very welcome. Tea & cake, chat, games and music, sometimes craft activities too.
This is a monthly group for the visually impaired. 5pm - 7.30pm. A fun and friendly group with tea and cake. Come along and talk about books that you have heard. More information: 01626 862529