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Dawlish Notices

Past Events on Dawlish Notices

Shaftesbury Theatre, Brunswick Place, Dawlish EX7 9PB
Tuesday, 22 August 2017 - Saturday, 26 August 2017
Start 19:30

Putting on a musical show can be murder - as audiences will find out when The Mitre Players return to Dawlish's  Shaftesbury Theatre in Brunswick Place from August 22-26 with Curtains, a musical comedy whodunnit. It's opening night and the leading lady is so dreadful, she is killing the show. But her final bow at the curtain call turns out to be her last - minutes later, she is dead. Enter musical ...

Guiding Light, The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish,EX7 9AP
Friday, 25 August 2017
Start 19:30

International Medium and Tutor Darren Brittain Darren works all over the world and is a medium of exceptional accuracy. Don't miss out on a great night with Darren. Tickets £10.00 non refundable on sale now. All welcome

Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church, 20 Albert Street, Dawlish. EX7 9LA
Friday, 25 August 2017
Start 19:30

This time we have invited Dawn Lodge, Psychic Artist as our Medium for the evening.  Dawn works through her Spirit Guides who inspire her to draw portraits of departed loved ones now living in the Realms of Spirit together with verbal confirmation of the reality of life beyond our perception of death, to those in the audience.  Our entry fee of £2.50 goes towards Church Funds but includes tea, ...

20 Albert Street, Dawlish, EX7 9LA
Friday, 11 August 2017
Start 19:30

This event will be held with Nicola Monks.  Nicola is a very popular young Medium with a bubbly personality, attracting both her Spirit Guides and our departed loved ones.  These combined energies enable Nicola to convey messages of love and support to us here on the Earth Plane and help to open our minds to the reality of life beyond the physical.  Our entry fee of £2.50 goes towards Church Funds ...

The Strand Community Centre
Friday, 28 July 2017
Start 19:15

Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church, 20 Albert Street, Dawlish. EX7 9LA
Friday, 28 July 2017
Start 19:30
Finish 21:00

This event will be with Janet Barton and Kevin Goulding.  Janet and Kevin have worked together for a long time and through their connection with their Spirit Guides and their Meiumship ability, they are able to covey messages of love and reassurance from departed loved ones now in the World of Spirit.  Our entry fee of £2.50 goes towards Church Funds but includes tea, coffee and biscuits ...

Friday, 21 July 2017
Start 19:30

T J Higgs Psychic Medium Friday 21st July 2017 Venue to be confirmed T J is a medium who's evidence is second to none. She works all the world and has made appearances on tv with Tony Stockwell, and Colin Fry. Tickets are £15.00 non refundable Don't miss out on a great event.

The Manor House, Old Town St, Dawlish, EX7 9AP.
Friday, 21 July 2017
Start 19:30

Come along to an evening with T J Higgs psychic medium. Tracy is well known for working with Tony Stockwell and the late Colin Fry. Ticketed event only tickets £15.00.  Please note tickets are non refundable.

Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church, 20 Albert Street, Dawlish. EX7 9LA
Friday, 14 July 2017
Start 19:30
Finish 21:00

This event will be with Tracey McQuaid from Plymouth.  Tracey is an truly inspiring person since, despite all her physical problems, she soldiers on by maintaining a permanent link with her Spirit Guides.  She is therefore well-placed to convey messages of love and reassurance from the Spirit World where our loved ones now reside.  Our entry fee of £2.50 goes towards Church Funds but includes tea, ...

20 Albert Street, Dawlish, EX7 9LA
Friday, 30 June 2017
Start 19:30

This Clairvoyant Evening will be with Sheryle Lewindon.  Sheryle is an experienced Medium with a natural gift for Mediumship whereby she is able to convey messages of love, reassurance and guidance from departed loved ones in the Realms of Spirit.  Our entry fee of £2.50 goes towards Church Funds but includes tea, coffee and biscuits afterwards.  All are welcome.