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Elfic the clown and a two tongued woman escaping into the dark corners of her box - between them they will puzzle and amuse you when you come across them somewhere between the town, the Lawn and the beach.
Featuring The Mersey Beat Legends, Lisa Marie and The Beach Boys Inc. Out door bar and catering facilities available. Tickets on sale at the RBL at £6 for Adults (under 5's free) Gates open at 16:00
Phil Smith, performer and theatre maker, performs The Crab Walks! – a 50 minute show based on 6 weeks of exploring the coastline between Dawlish Warren and his childhood holiday destination of Paignton - a gentle performance about the search for hidden treasures, memories and the origins of clotted cream. Discover the secret holiday! To book a place (space is very limited) ring 01392 410575 or ...
Club Isadora is an origianl play devised by the members of Acting Up 2! and scripted by director Nicola Howard. It is loosely based around the story of the love affair between Paris Singer of Oldway Mansion in Paignton and Isadora Duncan, the famous ballet dancer.
Paul Anthony