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Dawlish Notices


Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church, 20 Albert Street, EX7 9LA
Friday, 20 June 2014
Start 19:30
Contact: Jo - 01626 891221

CLAIRVOYANT EVENING  ON FRIDAY 20TH JUNE AT 7.30 PM. WITH PETER BANCROFT.  Peter is an experienced Medium who has, on many occasions, given precise descriptions and detailed information with his messages from departed our departed loved ones.  When such messages are received it opens our eyes and reassures us that there truly is life beyond life.  There is no guarantee that everyone in the Hall will get a message but your being there will at least make it possible.  Our entry fee of £2.50 goes towards Church Funds but includes tea, coffee and biscuits afterwards.  We welcome newcomers and assure you that there is absolutely nothing to fear as all connections are made through our natural link with the God-force, The Creator, The Universal energy that motivates all life.  We look forward to seeing you.