Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church, 20 Albert Street, Dawlish. EX7 9LA
Friday, 20 September 2013
Start 19:30
Contact: Jo - 01626 891221
CLAIRVOYANT EVENING WITH DAVID HARRIS ON FRIDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER AT 7.30 PM. Another opportunity to enjoy an evening of Clairvoyance with David, an experienced Medium who is an excellent link between the World of Spirit and the Earth Plane. He works easily and naturally to bring communication from our departed loved ones who are still taking a keen interest in our wellbeing and progression. We welcome Newcomers who are looking for reassurance and evidence of life beyond life. We charge an entry fee of £2.50 which goes towards Church Funds but which includes tea, coffee and biscuits afterwards. Please come in good time for our 7.30 pm. start.