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Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church


Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church, 20 Albert Street, Dawlish. EX7 9LA
Friday, 09 August 2013
Start 19:30
Contact: 01626 891221

  CLAIRVOYANT EVENING ON FRIDAY 9TH AUGUST AT 7.30 P.M. WITH SHERYLE LEWINDON.  Sheryle has many years experience as a Medium and uses her connection with the World of Spirit in a number of diverse ways.  She has her own unique style of communication and may be just the person to link with your departed loved ones to bring you evidence of life beyond life.  We charge an entry fee of £2.50 which goes towards Church Funds but which also includes tea, coffee and biscuits at the end of the evening.  Please come in good time for a prompt start at 7.30 p.m.