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Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church

Dawlish Christian Spiritualist Church

20 Albert Street, DAWLISH
Friday, 14 June 2013
Start 19:30
Contact: 01626 891221

CLAIRVOYANT EVENING ON FRIDAY 14TH JUNE AT 7.30 P.M. WITH JAMIE TENNANT.  Jamie is a popular Medium who brings upliftment and laughter to our Hall of Enlightenment as he links with our departed loved ones from the World of Spirit.  His messages bring reassurance that in reality there is no death as life continues in a new environment, free from all the physical problems and disabilities.  Why not come along, it may be just the opportunity your loved ones are waiting for to reaffirm their love and offer support and guidance.  We charge an Entry Fee of £2.50 which goes towards Church Funds but includes tea, coffee and biscuits afterwards.  Please come in good time for a prompt start at 7.30 p.m.